
Lony: Short for me
Loony: Yess I am the kind who goes weird sometimes and loves having fun :)
Lollo: Most people know who I am when I say Lollo
Lolipop: Looves candy. Take me to nearest candy shop!
Lodilo: The name followed me for years.. maybe cause I go singing lodiloididoo or something
Loser: My sister says I am. I guess she is right ;P
Loop: No rollercoaster for me if they are reaallly grande.. Liseberg and Gröna Lund is allright for me
Louie: Two-year-old Dylan had a hard time saying my name, therefore my name is Louie
Lonely: Ms Lonely is looking for handsome mr Lonely
Lounyb: Another short for me
Losan: Haha, another nickname that is stalking me
Lost: I am lost in everything; the TV-serie "Lost", the IB, my life. Haha.
Lobster: I find them ok to eat, but I prefer other stuff
Love: Call me if you find it somewhere, I think I lost it :)


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